Intertek’s scientific and regulatory experts can help your company successfully meet the requirements of Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan.
The Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) is a Government of Canada initiative aimed at reducing the risks posed by chemicals to Canadians and their environment. The CMP was introduced in 2006 by the Canadian federal government as part of their comprehensive environmental agenda. The Minister of Health and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change have committed to addressing these chemicals by 2020. The CMP builds on previous initiatives by assessing chemicals used in Canada and by taking action on chemicals found to be harmful to human health and/or the environment.
The CMP broadly considers a range of “existing” substances including substances on the DSL and regulated under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA); pesticides that are regulated under the Pest Control Products Act; and specific environmental interests in ingredients from products regulated under the Food and Drugs Act.
Since it was launched in 2006, the CMP has made significant progress. The next phase of the CMP, Phase 3, launched in May 2016, will address the remaining 1550 priority chemicals out of the original 4300 chemicals identified as priorities during the categorization.
Initiatives under the third phase of the CMP include:
Chemical Management Plan (CMP) Compliance Services
Intertek recognizes that Canada's CMP has triggered the need for increased industry effort to review and respond to substance-specific reporting requirements, draft assessment reports, and proposed risk-management controls. Intertek’s experts can address these regulatory and scientific challenges by offering the following:
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